If you have ever heard of prayer cards, I'm sure you've what what the exact purpose of these cards are. They are called prayers cards, but you don not need them to pray. They have more than one purpose and are used by people from different denominations and faith.
Catholic people use them during mass for prayer purposes. However, it is widely used by people of Christian faith to remember their deceased loved ones by. The cards are handed out to family members and friends of the deceased loved one to notify them of the memorial service. However, these cards are also a keepsake and are laminated to give them a long life.
Prayer cards are usually small enough to fit comfortably in your pocket, wallet or purse. So this makes them extremely handy. There are various templates, layouts and designs to choose from. However, they all contain certain mandatory information. The deceased person's picture is always present on the card. Their personal information such as date of birth, date of death and age are also always included and you are required to have a poem or prayer on the card. This part of the text is extremely flexible and you are of course allowed to add a personal and customized piece of content here. You can place any text here. It can even be a few simple words that you feel represents your deceased loved ones life. There is no hard and fast rule.
Now days there are various types of prayer cards, and they are not simply reserved for deceased people. These cards are being used in various fields such as the education industry, where they are being used as sources of inspiration at campus. There are cards for every possible need, circumstance, situation and challenge that people may be encountering in life. You can expect to find prayers of employment, difficult environment at work, marriage problems, problems with children and grandchildren and all types of prayers that help with anxiety and worry. Check our website for more information.
If you have family members that have passed on and you never had the opportunity to create these memorials for them, it is not too late. You may still choose to have a small get together to remember their life, or you may simply choose to post a prayer card to each and every member of the family and the deceased's close friends. Have the card personalized and laminated. Some people even choose to use real flowers and leaves on these cards and have them laminated to last long. Everyone that lives and is loved deserves to have their memory kept alive and there is no better way to do it than with the help of prayer cards. Choose the colors and styles that you know your beloved would have liked. Make them as personal as you possibly can as this is your way of expressing exactly what they meant to you during their years on earth. Go all out and make the most of this opportunity.